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First half-year of the programme Digital Talents for Moldova – Slovakia for talents

29. januára 2022 o 23:00:00

In the summer of 2021, we launched a work mobility programme for ICT students and graduates between Slovakia and Moldova called "Digital Talents for Moldova - Slovakia for Talents" (DIGI TALENTS). In the first six months, we focused on setting up cooperation with partners, involving relevant stakeholders and the launching of communication campaign before the recruitment of candidates.

A well managed labour mobility programme is beneficial to all involved parties. In Slovakia, it helps to solve the lack of qualified labour force and strengthens mutual business relations with Moldova. For the Moldovan participants, it presents a unique opportunity to gain practical experience and skills. Moldova also benefits from the development of mutual trade relations, while at the same time it gains some of the highest quality, trained candidates back into its labour market.

For the success of this scheme, on the one hand, the involvement of Slovak ICT companies is needed, and on the other hand, an active interest of young IT talents from Moldova.

That is why we are pleased to have several ICT companies in Slovakia interested in hiring Moldovan talents for a 3-month internship or 12-month employment. Global leader ESET will offer in its Bratislava branch places for C++ and C#/.Net software engineers. Software developers will find employment in the company SOITRON, which deals with robotics, automation, cybersecurity, IoT or network solutions. A successful Slovak startup ONE SIMPLICITY, which creates revolutionary solutions for the interaction of cities with its citizens also got involved and it will offer positions to front-end developers.

The project team has put a lot of effort into the recruitment of candidates. The information campaign kicked off on 23 November 2021 with a media event to promote the programme at Tekwill Technology Centre in Chisinau. The event was attended by a number of key stakeholders, including the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, Mrs. Ingrid Brocková.

A short clip from the media event can be viewed here:

Those interested in the programme also had the opportunity to participate in information seminars, where we presented to them the conditions and benefits of participation, as well as concrete steps from leaving Moldova to gaining experience in ICT companies in Slovakia. For those interested, we organised 3 online seminars and 2 face-to-face seminars at Moldovan technical schools.

The first round of applications for the programme took place at the end of 2021 and we are currently assessing and testing candidates' skills. Not only their experience and knowledge in the field, but also the level of English language skills and personal motivation are important in selecting suitable candidates. The second round of applications will be launched in the spring, and we will welcome the first Moldovan ICT talents to Slovakia in the summer.

The project is funded by the European Union through the Migration Partnership Facility (MPF) of the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD). MPF is a European Union (EU) funded initiative contributing to the operationalisation of the external dimension of EU migration policy. The MPF aims to strengthen dialogue and cooperation on migration and mobility between Member States and partner countries outside the EU.

The project is implemented in cooperation with the Digital Coalition of the Slovak Republic and the IT Association in Moldova (ATIC).


© 2019 by EMA – Development and Mobility Agency

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